A Lot

A lot of suffering

A lot of selfishness, ignorance, incompetence, and fear

But also courage, love, caring, compassion, sense of community, selflessness, intelligence and wisdom

I am proud of my mayor (Garcetti) and governor (Newsom) for California being early to act compared to the rest of the country.

Trump and those like him, from certain governors on down, from pastors who keep their churches open and Fox news and similar media voices who have done great harm, to hoarders and cheaters and indulgent self centered fools, have some very, very heavy karma, and anybody who has two synapses in their brain that work and that aren’t distorted by greed and insane ideologies knows it and wont be gaslighted out of knowing exactly how badly those leaders failed us and continue to fail us time and again.





2 thoughts on “A Lot

  1. Hi Ralph,

    So good to see you’re still writing. Yes, a lot of things happening and changing, even for us in the Netherlands. Although our news outlets are relatively sedate and most people seem to take social distancing seriously, and to trust the government and the RIVM (Dutch CDC). Even if we have shown a shocking lack of compassion and solidarity for our supposed brothers and sisters in the EU, Italy and Spain. But our health care system seems to be coping, so far.

    I won’t lie: looking at the US right now is absolutely terrifying, like watching a deadly traffic accident happening in slow motion. I almost can’t believe the reports telling me the president’s son-in-law is now in charge of coordinating the federal COVID-19 response. It seems lifted from the bleakest of satires, but there it is on all the front pages. I sincerely hope your country will be able to turn things around in November, even if that will be too late for many lives and livelihoods.

    Wishing you all the best from Amsterdam,


    Op vr 3 apr. 2020 om 05:32 schreef ZenGut

    > zengut posted: “A lot of suffering A lot of selfishness, ignorance, > incompetence, and fear But also courage, love, caring, compassion, sense of > community, selflessness, intelligence and wisdom I am proud of my mayor > (Garcetti) and governor (Newsom) for Californi” >

    • Thanks for being in touch and the sharing kind words. Change is something we often recognize, certainly in Buddhism or science it is foundational, but this really is up in our face, no lip service will do, kind of change, really get our attention change.

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